Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Brooke Fraser - Shadowfeet

Walking, stumbling on these shadowfeet
Toward home; a land that I’ve never seen

Is that alright with you?

Is that alright, is that alright, is that alright with you?

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Sadic... sau nu?

Consideri ca materialul e prea sadic si ar trebui cenzurat?

De ce voi nu mancati carne de pasare?

Leigh Nash - My Idea Of Heaven

What is yours?

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Primarul, adjunctul si politistul unui sat, merg in vizita la un paznic de gara pentru a compune versuri.

Sasa, Grisa & Ion

A new short film signed by de Igor Cobileanski, the director of "Cand se stinge lumina/When the lights go out".

Cand se stinge lumina / When the lights go out

In a poor country 100 bucks are enough to lose your mind for a couple of minutes..Directed by Igor Cobileanski, produced by Thomas Ciulei- Europolis Film & Studioul de Creatie- Ministry of Culture Romania.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Ma gandeam ca nu e bine sa amestec foarte tare lucrurile si ca e mai bine sa las celalalt blog exclusiv pt partea de fotografie.
Asa ca am mai facut un blog unde sa pot eu posta toate nebuniile pe care le vad in jurul meu.
Stiu ca nu e frumos sa te holbezi dar nu ma pot abtine
