Sunday, August 10, 2008

Just because everything's changing (doesn't mean it's never been this way before)

am vazut narnia si am ramas impresionat de piesa asta

Saturday, August 9, 2008

dog eat dog world

imi pare rau ca nu pot sa postez telepatic
desi am scris deja de cateva ori postul acesta astfel incat, in ciuda oboselii ar trebui sa fiu in stare sa il reproduc

am scapat in sfarsit
parea un cosmar care nu se mai termina
si timpul trecea asa de incet
imi e greata deja
totul a devenit o afacere
poate nu pentru personajele principare
dar perntru toti restul e doar un schimb de servicii
traim intr-o lume materiala
cred ca e Madona de vina
oare e asa de greu pentru cineva sa inteleaga ca merg impotriva curentului
chiar nu imi pasa de bani
imi e tot una daca merg la o nunta de unde iau bani
sau daca ies la poze pe gratis
doar ca sa am materiale pentru blog
nu mi-am luat aparatul ca sa castig cu el
nici macar nu incerc sa imi scot investitia
e o pasiune
poate mai presus de ratiune
si totusi
incep sa urasc nuntile
e o lume in care toti incearca sa te insele intr-un fel sa altul
daca sunteti asa de buni baieti de ce va temeti de concurenta
ca doar nunti sunt destule in fiecare saptamana
si nu va puteti imparti in 2
si eu sunt chiar incepator
asa cum mi-o aruncati si voi in fata
si chiar nu imi pasa daca fiul tau de 15
sau cati ani o avea
face poze profi
nici tata nu are petrol
sau actiuni la Berkshire Hathaway
nici eu nu am milioane in cont
nu am zis de microsoft ca am inteles ca bill e cam zgarcit
lasa tot la caritate

acest post este un pamflet
de fapt vrea sa fie
o fi schizofrenic saracul
ca nu i-o prea iesit
ideea e ca nu trebuie luat ca atare
nu are pretentia ca este cursiv
sau logic
sau orice altceva

si au trait casatoriti pana la adanci batraneti

tu esti alba ca zapada
te iubeste toata strada

of of
mor dusmanii

nu-i caruta ca mertanu
(aici nu rimeaza cu ardeleanu' ce cu tiganu'
da nu e politic coresc sa spunem asa
si cu rrom nu mai rimeaza)
si te bate vantu'n freza
ca ai masina de viteza

am ramas cu sechele asta e clar

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Shit Happens in Various World Religions

  • Taoism: Shit happens or If you understand shit, it isn't shit.
  • Shintoism - You inherit the shit of your ancestors.
  • Jehovah's Witness: Let us in and we will tell you why shit happens or Knock Knock, "Shit Happens."
  • Confucianism: Confucius say "Shit happens."
  • Buddhism: If shit happens, it isn't really shit or Shit happens because of desire
  • Zen: What is the sound of shit happening?
  • Hinduism: This shit happened before or There isn't anything like a good shit happening.
  • Islam: If shit happens, it's the will of Allah
  • Nation of Islam - Don't take no shit.
  • Sikhism - Leave our shit alone
  • Hedonism - I love it when shit happens or there isn't anything like a good shit happening.
  • Satanism - Sneppah tihs
  • Capitalism - This is MY shit.
  • Mormonism: Shit happens again & again & again or Excrement happens (don't say shit)
  • Calvinism: Shit happens because you don't work hard enough
  • Stoicism: This shit is good for me
  • Christian Science: Shit is only in your mind or Only good shit happens
  • Seventh Day Adventist: No shit on Saturdays
  • Scientology - If shit happens, see Dianetics. p. 137
  • Hare Krishna: Shit happens, shit happens, happens happens, shit happens or Shit happens rama rama ding ding
  • Taoism: Shit happens or If you understand shit, it isn't shit.
  • Shintoism - You inherit the shit of your ancestors.
  • Jehovah's Witness: Let us in and we will tell you why shit happens or Knock Knock, "Shit Happens."
  • Moonies: Only happy shit happens
  • Rastafarianism: Let's smoke this shit
  • Existentialism: What is shit, anyway?
  • Existential Nihilism: Shit happens and then you die
  • Quadrinity Process: Shit happens, recycle it
  • Unity: There is no shit
  • Atheism: Shit happens for no apparent reason or No shit or I don't believe this shit
  • Agnostic: Farts happen or Can you prove that shit happens?
  • Mysticism - This is really weird shit
  • Voodoo - Shit doesn't just happen, we made it happen
  • Quakers: Let's have a meeting
  • Communism - Let's share the shit
  • Marxism - You have nothing to lose but your shit
  • Conspiracy Theorism - THEY shit on us!
  • Psychoanalysis - Tell me about your shit
  • Darwinism - Survival of the shittiest
  • Amish - Modern shit is useless
  • Suicidal - I've had enough of this shit
  • Optimism - Shit won't happen to me
  • Trekism - To boldly shit where no-one has shit before
  • Shakespearean - To shit or not to shit, that is the question
  • Descartes - I shit therefore I am
  • Freud - Shit is a phallic symbol
  • Lawyers - For enough money, I can get you out of shit
  • Acupuncturist - Hold still or this will hurt like shit
  • Einstein - Shit is relative
  • Disneyism - Bad shit doesn't happen here
  • Family gathering - Relatives are shit.
  • Materialism - Whoever dies with the most shit, wins
  • Vegetarianism - If it happens to shit, don't eat it.
  • Fatalism - Oh shit, it's going to happen.
  • Environmentalism - Shit is biodegradable
  • Statistician - Shit is 84.7% likely to happen
  • Tantrism - Fuck this shit
  • Cynicism - We are all full of shit.
  • Evangelist: Send me all your money or shit will happen to you
  • Protestantism: Shit happens, amen to that
  • Baptism - We'll wash the shit right off you
  • Catholicism: If shit happens, you deserved it or It's all your fault
  • Judaism: Why does shit always happen to US?
  • Orthodox Judaism - So shit happens, already
  • New Agers: You needed to have this shit in your life, now visualize it away or Learn the lesson it has to teach. or Visualize shit happening
  • Goddess: You can make shit happen but shit will happen to you three times.
  • Feminism - Shit happens and it's all men's fault or Men are shit
  • Americanism - Who gives a shit
  • Politically correct - Internally processed, nutritionally-drained biological output happens
  • Surrealism - Fish happens


i like blogging in my mind,
it's more simple that way
and you won't know the real me

ps. i like blogging in my mind so you wion't know what a shitty opinion i have about you
